This report breaks down the tracks in your library.

Overall Summary Tab

The overall summary tab shows various classifications of your library. 

It can show you:
tracks you have flagged as signed or not signed
tracks that were flagged as registered or not registered
tracks that were flagged as an instrumental or a song.

By clicking on a category in the summary or track type panel, the right panel will list the tracks that are linked to that category.
You can bring up the track edit screen by clicking on a track in the right panel.

Genres Tab

The genres tab shows the breakdown of tracks in your library by genre.

By clicking on a genre in the left panel, the right panel will list the tracks that are classifed in that genre.
You can bring up the track edit screen by clicking on a track in the right panel.

Publishers Tab

The publishers tab shows the breakdown of tracks in your library by publisher.

By clicking on a publisher in the left panel, the right panel will list the tracks that are linked to that publisher (single or co-publishing deal).
You can bring up the track edit screen by clicking on a track in the right panel.